In 1960, the great animation duo of William Hanna and Joe Barbera, premiered the first ever prime time half hour cartoon series, “The Flintstones”. Two years later the only Hanna Barbera Studios DENTAL THEMED episode, “Nuttin But the Tooth”, was aired. From this Flintstones cartoon there were two limited edition cels published. Both […]
Get a glimpse of the dental office of the future, where good dental hygiene and family time go hand and hand. The very first hand painted limited edition dental cel, featuring “The Jetsons” is by long time Hanna-Barbera artist, Bob Singer. In the evolved art of family dentistry, dentists operate powered hand tools by remote […]
It seems that in the dental industry, more so than in other medical professions I am aware of, there are significantly more examples of cartoons, animation drawings and humorous art. It could be due to the potential pain and anxiety that’s associated with visiting the dentist, which has motivated artists to so frequently satirize and […]
THIS IS VERY EXCITING.! As a little sample of out latest newsletter, we have decided to give you the opportunity to create your own, specially personalized, Limited Edition Artwork, by having Dr. Bugs Bunny say whatever you feel would be appropriate for your office. The possibilities are endless, but the price is extremely reasonable. Click […]